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SFU Avengers #1: Your Origin Story

After a long night of studying at Saint Francis University Library, you walk toward the parking lot to get you car. As you pass the Immaculate Conception Chapel, you see a strange blue glow coming from inside the church. You think it must be your imagination but then you decide to take a closer look. You walk toward the front door and the glow becomes stronger. The door stands open and the glow is emanating from within. You look around, then walk through the door of the chapel.

Inside it is quiet and dark. You don’t see anyone around. You begin to walk down the center aisle. The glow appears to be coming from near the altar. As you approach the altar, you suddenly let out a gasp. You see a glowing figure standing on the altar. He is a bearded monk, dressed in a tattered robe.

Image of St. Francis of Assisi

You can’t believe your eyes. You stutter out a nervous question. “Ssssaint Francis?” you ask. The monk smiles at you and nods. You feel proud to have recognized the great saint, and thank your CORE 113 teacher for having taught you so well.

Saint Francis beckons you with his hand, then turns and walks back behind the altar. You follow him. Behind the altar, you see an old wooden door with a big metal handle. Saint Francis points at the door, then stands and waits. You reach for the handle and pull the heavy door open. You walk inside, and Saint Francis follows you.

Inside the room is small and dark. One candle in a metal stand flickers with the same strange blue light that surrounds Saint Francis. There is a small table in the center of the room, covered with a white linen cloth. On the cloth lies a bronze medallion attached to a leather cord.

Saint Francis smiles at you again, then gestures toward the table. You look closely at the medallion. The medallion is old and worn, but you see an image of an animal etched upon it. You are surprised to see that it is your favorite animal.

Hesitantly, you pick up the medallion. You look at Saint Francis, and he nods. You slowly put the leather cord around your neck. There is a bright blue flash. Your body courses with energy. You feel stronger, healthier than you have ever been in your life.

As your eyes clear from the flash, you realize that Saint Francis is no longer standing in front of you. You whirl around, looking for him, but he has disappeared. To your surprise, however, you see that there is now an old piece of parchment lying on the table where you had just picked up the medallion. You know the parchment was not there a moment ago. You look at the parchment and see that there is a short phrase written there in fancy cursive script. The parchment says, “You have been chosen.”

You reach to pick up the parchment, but it evaporates when you touch it, as if it was never there. Confused, you walk out of the room. You turn to pull the door closed, but to your shock, the door is gone. The wall behind the altar is dark and smooth.

You look around the chapel, and even quietly say, “Is anyone here?” but no one answers you. Finally, you shrug and walk back out of the church. You go to the parking lot and get into your car. As you sit in the dark, the medallion which is still around your neck begins to give off a soft, blue glow.
