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Avengers Story Part IV: The Battle of Tarnantia

The capital of the Skrull’s world of Tarnax is called Tarnantia. When you arrive in the city, you find a great a great battle underway. The Kree and the Skrulls are fighting. Buildings lie in ruins. There are flames everywhere. You hear children’s voices crying.

Battles may look exciting in the movies, but in real life they are terrible. The Avengers and the Guardians quickly fan out. Some of the heroes try to get people to safety. Others begin fighting with the invading Kree.

You touch your magic medallion and activate your animal powers. Then you enter the fray, the way you know best.

Write a 2-3 paragraph description of how you use your superpowers to help the Skrulls living in Tarnantia.

(It’s a superhero story, so you knew there was going to be an epic battle scene, right? But not everyone in a battle fights. Do what you think is best. But you better not run away because the Skrulls and the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy all need your help.)
