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Gian’s Cool News

Voting & Election Information | Voting & Election Information | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Register to Vote

  • It’s the biggest U.S. presidential election in decades, so you don’t want to miss it!
  • Pennsylvania is considered a swing state, so that makes IUP students an especially important group of voters
  • Get informed, get registered, and then get out to vote!

Key Election Dates

  • Registration Deadline: Oct. 21, 2024–Last day to register to vote in Pennsylvania
  • Absentee Ballot Request Deadline: Oct. 29, 2024–Last day to request an mail-in/absentee ballot (you must mail your ballot so that it arrives no later than 8:00 p.m. on Nov. 5)
    • Students can vote using an absentee ballot so they don’t have to return home for election day
  • Election Day! Nov. 5, 2024

Have a Great Fall 2024 Semester!

  • I’m excited to start the new school year. I hope you are too.
  • Good luck to all the hard-working teachers out there and I hope all students enjoy learning something new this year.

Class of 2028 Assemble!

  • I don’t know what IUP student made this wonderful chalk drawing, but I love it.

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