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TechGuide: Teacher Websites

Teacher Website Overview

We’re living in the Virtual Age. There’s almost as much life in cyberspace as there is in real space. And in this age, you’re nobody unless you have your own web page or, as it is called by those in the know, a Home Page.

I’m going to help each of you make your own home page. It really isn’t that hard to do, and it can actually be a lot of fun. Some of you might even have your own home pages already, in which case you are in charge of helping your classmates and also in updating your page to add the material listed below (you can create a second page if you like).

In class I’ll teach you how to add graphics to your web page, how to make Internet links, and how to set up your page so visitors can send you e-mail. Later, you can explore the web on your own if you want to find out how to add a counter or guest book to your page. For now, we’ll just work on the basics. Below is a list of the things people most commonly like to include on a basic home page. A lot of this is good, basic information you for sure want to include (like your name, for instance). But theone thing this list can’t do is tell you how to make your web page best represent yourself. You’ll have to figure that out on your own. It’s your page, so you have to figure out what should be on it. The term “home page” was developed because a web page can represent who a person is (or would like to be). So as you create your home on the Internet, think about what makes you unique and what your personal points of view are. This is what you want to capture as you write your web page.

Finally, I’m having you make a home page for this course (or update one you already have) so you can learn some web basics. But I won’t censor or control what’s on your page. Please be aware, though, that the page will represent you, so I don’t advise putting overly offensive or overly personal information on your page. The web is a big, wide open public space, and you never know who might be reading. (We don’t want to shock your parents, for one thing!)

Web Page Basic Information

Personal Information

Write at least two paragraphs about yourself. You might talk about where you are from, what you are majoring in, what your hobbies are, etc. Think of this as inviting people into your home to learn about you. (But don’t give away any really dark secrets!)

An Interesting Quote

Include one interesting quote, so your visitors will have something to think about when reading your page. Personally, I like the quote, “Wherever you go, there you are” from the film The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.

Brief Life Philosophy Statement

This is your page, so offer your view of life. Do you believe in live and let live or do you believe in always striving for excellence? Include a brief statement about your philosophy of life so your visitors will learn something from their visit to your home page.

Academic Links

Also put in some school related links. You might want to include:

Personal Links

In addition to links to important academic web sites, you will also probably want to put some links on your page to the things which interest you. You might include links to your favorite sports team or favorite rock band. Include at least 3 and write a short description of each site so people can decide whether or not your links are worth clicking on.


Now find a few pictures to include on your web site. These should be pictures or graphics which symbolize who you are. You can borrow these from other web sites by right clicking your mouse on the image you want and choosing Save image as. Include at least 2. Also, you may want to scan in your childhood picture to put on your page.

Background Colors and Font Style

You can also personalize your font style. This page was written in Verdana which is IUP’s standard font. Comic Sans is another nice friendly font. But choose whatever font style and font color suits you. Be aware, though, that not all viewers of your web page will see the fonts you choose. Sometimes a person’s computer will substitute other fonts for the ones you choose, depending on that individual’s computer and browser settings.


Make a link to your email. You do this by highlighting a word, like email, and then typing:

(No spaces, and put in your own email after the mailto:)
