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IUP Council of Chairs (C0C)

Council of Chairs

One of the most important leadership organizations at Indiana University of Pennsylvania is the Council of Chairs (COC). The Council of Chairs is made up of department chairs from all disciplines at IUP. The COC meets monthly to discuss issues and concerns that chairs face in running academic departments. The group provides troubleshooting and support for the most difficult job in all of academia: the department chair!

Co-Chairs of the COC

The Council of Chairs has 2 Co-Chairs for the group who are elected by the chairs. Co-Chairs serve for alternating 2 year terms. The Co-Chairs plan and run COC meetings. They also meet separately each month with IUP’s President and IUP’s Provost to bring issues of concern to IUP’s upper administration.

The current Co-Chairs of the Council of Chairs are

  • Gian Pagnucci, Chair of Language, Literature, & Writing
  • 2nd Co-Chair To Be Elected

Chairs Training

Beginning in 2023, the Council of Chairs was asked to provide hands on training to new and continuing chairs for how to best perform the role of department chair.

COC Advisory Role

The Co-Chairs of COC recommend chairs and other faculty for membership on various committees at the university. COC as a body provides consultation to a wide range of IUP leadership and planning groups, including:

  • Academic Affairs Committee
  • Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee (ACPAC)
  • President’s Cabinet
  • University Budget Advisory Committee (UBAC)

Council of Chairs Meetings

The Council of Chairs meet monthly during the academic year. COC meetings are always held on the first Wednesday of the month from 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. on Zoom.
