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The Principles of Tech Pedagogy by Gian Pagnucci

Tech Pedagogy Oveview

Below you’ll find some of the central tenants of what Dr. Pagnucci has labeled Tech Pedagogy.

Focus on Your Main Teaching Goals

  • Content should precede technology (see Teaching Writing with Computers, p. 22, where Dickie Selfe cautions, “Don’t let technologies themselves drive your pedagogy.”)
  • Technology changes the nature of content
  • Decenter the classroom
  • Focus on activity-based learning
  • Use writing to learn
  • Facilitates the use of new types of writing/literacy activities (non-linear)
  • Helps teaching keep pace with societal changes

Teach for All

  • Vary your teaching methods to suit multiple learning styles
  • Technology is useful for accommodating different learning styles (Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences)
  • Celebrate students’ voices and honor those voices through publication which also holds up World English models for others to see
  • Gather all the teaching tools you can
  • Aims at today’s “digital natives” or, at least, U.S. society’s general interest in/worship of technology

Value Collaboration

  • Enables collaboration/links students together/sharing of information
  • Links isolated classrooms to the outside world
  • Students sometimes will know more about technologies than you do, so they can be useful resources

Remember the Wisdom of Uncertainty (Milan Kundera)

  • If you use technology to teach, you will encounter technical difficulties
  • The newer the technology, the more likely you will encounter problems
  • But, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs
  • To learn how to teach with technologies, you have to try them
  • You can’t be afraid of making mistakes; mistakes are a natural part of the learning process
  • Always have a backup plan; flexible
  • Making mistakes can be frustrating, so it’s useful to be patient and not aim for perfection//process orientation rather than a product orientation
  • You don’t have to know everything there is about a technology to try it
  • You learn technology by using it, not reading about it
  • Make friends with the technology support people
  • Using technology teaches patience

Preserve the Historical Record

  • Creates lasting digital archives
  • Makes student knowledge/texts part of the conversation
  • And speaking of the historical record, Dr. Pagnucci first began calling this teaching approach Tech Pedagogy back in 2010!