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Holistic Embodied Pedagogy

Holisitic Embodied Pedagogy employs a number of teaching practices that are focused on physical experience. While the academy traditionally has placed so much of its focus on cognitive development, in recent decades, scholars have begun to understand that learning is a holistic experience, tied to physical and emotional experiences as well as mental experiences. The body, heart, and mind are all interlinked. And scholars have also begun to explore the ways conceptions of spirit/faith also play a role in human well being.

Holistic Embodied Writing

These articles explore learning that goes beyond cognitive development and see humans as a complicated interplay of mind, body, heart, and spirit:


Mindfulness practices drawn upon notions of breathing, listening, and meditation to help focus our thinking.

Journal Writing

Journal writing is a very important way that we can embrace a kind of physical practice in our teaching:

  • Fulwiler, Toby. (1987). The Journal Book.
  • The Journal Book
  • Fulwiler, Toby. (1999). The journal book: For teachers in technical and professional programs.
  • This book includes one of Dr. Pagnucci’s earliest publications on ejournals (digital journal keeping)
  • The Journal Book: For Teachers in Technical and Professional Programs