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Doctoral Thesis Committees Completed as Chair

Composition and Applied Linguistics (CAL) Dissertations for Which I Served as Chair (62)

Travers, Trisha Kelly. (2024). Recognizing and avoiding misinformation: Evaluating sources for a FYW researched writing assignment.

Baggett, Jennifer Jeanne. (2023). Preparing tomorrow’s writing program administrators: A qualitative content analysis of WPA courses throughout the United States.

Al-Hamdi, Muayad. (2022). The effectiveness of readers’ theater on the oral reading fluency and comprehension of EFL students in a Vietnamese context.

Kelly, Tara J. (2021). Action research and Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.): Using animal assisted education with English learners as a reading intervention strategy in the elementary school classroom.

Woods, Lori Ann S. (2020). Alive inside: Transformation, capital, and zombies in the composition classroom.

Subahi, Naife S. (2019). The influence of discussion boards on EFL linguistic flexibility.

Cureton, Darius M. (2019). Composing in a digital age: Unpacking the techtinuum among first year writing faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Dunning, Wesley. (2019). Poetic rhetoric: Composing academic essays with poems.

Hill, Nell Rose. (2019). A content analysis of intensive English program administrators’ social construction of knowledge in a virtual community of practice.

Mendenhall, Lora Lynn (2019). Mitakuye Oyasin and service-learning: A narrative plan for ecological restorative justice, Jasper County, Indiana.

Yu, Yi (2019). Reading in writing workshop: Aesthetic reader response in the first-year multilingual writing classroom.

Lyon, Thomas M. (2018). A pragmatic analysis of public discourse on American women in combat.

Donohue, William J. (2017). Students talking about assessment: Insights on program learning outcomes.

Glennon, Melanie Beth. (2017). Communicating and cultivating: Exploring the phenomenology of the extracurricular writing relationship through narrative.

Hepler, John Carl (2017). Digital technology and its influence on the professionalization of teaching associates in a university English department.

Rioux, Yasmin Marie. (2017). Placing ourselves in our environment: Students’ perceptions of their writing and role in nature following an environmental writing course.

Ryan, Emmett (2017). Fast food and slow composition: Teaching food studies in the college writing classroom.

Ramon, Alva N. (2016). Introducing the prison writer to composition: A multilayered, many stranded, nested, and textured 3D metanarrative that begins to unfold the untold story of prison writing.

Mangini, Laura M. (2015). Collaborative dissertations in composition: A feminist disruption of the status quo. (Passed with distinction.)

Mangini, Sabatino M. (2015). Composition and the cooperative dissertation study. Our collaborative resistance. (Passed with distinction.)

Alawadat, Maha. (2015). A qualitative case study exploring the implementation of ePortfolios by writing teachers in PASSHE schools.

O’Connell, Shevaun Donelli. (2015). Harry Potter and the order of the metatext: A study of nonfiction fan compositions and disciplinary writing.

Schreyer, Jessica Michelle. (2014). Ecotech: A pedagogical theory for the mobile writer.

Golden, Lara Lynn. (2013). Struggles to reach the disengaged: Narratives of young men who left high school before graduation, and stories from middle-school teachers and GED instructors who try to help.

Mulally, Dauvan D. (2013) English faculty community building: Writing portfolio assessment groups as teaching circles.

Romagnoli, Alex S. (2013). Comics in the classroom: A pedagogical exploration of college English teachers using graphic novels.

Alqadoumi, Omar Mohamed. (2012). Merging the forces of asynchronous tutoring and synchronous conferencing: A qualitative study of Arab ESL academic writers using E-tutoring.

Burke, Brian P. (2012). Using comic books and graphic novels to improve and facilitate community college students’ literacy.

Guelcher Jr., John Henry. (2012). Reflection-on-juncture within composition: The promise of transfer.

Lei, Ruo Wan (Monica). (2012). A case study of a Taiwanese teachers’ group exploring narrative pedagogy.

Campbell, Elizabeth. (2011). Being and writing with others: The possibilities of an ethnographic composition pedagogy.

Golden, David. (2011). Students’ and teachers’ perceptions of “community” in online college composition.

Glicker, Eric. (2010). The student writer as blogger: A longitudinal study of a blogger’s critical narrative events. (Passed with distinction.)

Mahamadou, Ganda Nabi. (2010). Teacher professional development: The needs of TESOL teachers in the republic of Niger.

Miller, Kimberly Marie. (2010). Stranger than fiction: A study of student perceptions of writer’s block and film in the composition classroom.

DiPaula, Lauren Teresa. (2009). A chaotic companion: Writers and writing with bipolar disorder.

Stewart, Marjorie (2009). Fear and loathing in the English department: The strange and terrible saga of composition and creative writing. (Passed with distinction.)

Colvin, Benie Bruner. (2008). Passing the story: A study of personal memoirs—Letters, recipes, and quilts.

Swartz, Stephen M. (2008). Composition and identity: A theoretical approach to first-year composition.

Contreras-Escalante, Gerardo Ali. (2007). Rural voices winding through the Andes Mountains: A collective creative literacy research project.

Dorfeld, Natalie Marie. (2007). Broke, bohemian, and burned out: An in-depth analysis of the adjunct lifestyle.

Pearlman, Steven J. (2007). Beyond response: Transcending peer feedback through critical collaborative assessment.

York, Aimee J. (2007). Graduate teaching associates: Negotiating the borders of practice and theory.

Barnett, Stephanie J. (2006). Rock the boat but don’t make waves: The literacy perspectives of working-class, marginalized students and their parents from the Delmarva Peninsula.

Hsu, Po-Yen (Bryan). (2006). CALL, American culture, and EFL: A case study of student perceptions of a cultural-based curriculum on the Internet.

McBride, Jennifer H. (2006). Trusting narrative beyond theory: One teacher’s story.

Ho, Ching Yi. (2005). A Qualitative Study of the Impact of a Taiwanese/American E-mail Exchange Project on Taiwanese Participants’ Attitudes, Cultural Knowledge, and Second Language Writing.

Petrucci, Michele L. (2005). Collage Literacy and Textual Landscapes: Four Case Studies of Individuals Layered in Words and Pictures.

Al-Rajhi, Ali. (2004). Joining the Online Literacy Club: Internet Reading Among Saudi EFL Learners.

Jones, William F. Ritke. (2004). Forces in Space: A Bakhtinian Exploration of Online Writing Groups.

Sharples, Riva J. (2004). The Business of Consumer Literacy: How the Modern Book Industry Shapes What We Read.

Vallejo, Rosa A. (2004). Living La Vida Writing/Living the Writing Life: A Case Study of a Teacher’s Writing Group.

Wallace, Robert Mitchell. (2004). This Wild, Strange Place: Local Narratives of Literacy Use in Appalachian Families over Three Generations.

Berger, Jeanette M. (2003). Keeping the Faith in Florida: Critical Teachers, Critical Teaching, and a Pedagogy of Elusive Particulars.

Mikoni, Dorothy Jane (2003). Silence: A Narrative Case Study of Six Women Practicing Life Writing.

Pardlow, Donald (2003). Flight from Flatland: A Descriptive Study of Using Creative-Writing Pedagogy to Improve Basic and First-Year Composition Teaching.

Stainbrook, Eric J. (2003). Reading Comics: A Theoretical Analysis of Textuality and Discourse in the Comics Medium.

Theis, Richard W. (2003). Mapping the Geography: A Narrative of Long-Term English Adjunct Teaching.

Abalhassan, Khalid Mohammad Ibraheem. (2002). English as a Foreign Language Instruction with CALL Multimedia in Saudi Arabian Private Schools: A Multi-case and Multi-site Study of CALL Instructors’ Pedagogies and Beliefs.

Al-Kahtani, Saad A. (2001). Computer Assisted Language Learning in EFL Instruction at Selected Saudi Arabian Universities: Profiles of Faculty.

Mauriello, Nicholas. (2000). The College Writing Peer Response Project: Diversity and Conflict in Online Writing Environments.

Berry, Amy J. (1999). Cybercollaboration: Portrait of an Online Writing Course.
