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Research Interests

  • Comics Studies
  • Composition
  • Narrative Theory and Narrative Inquiry
  • Technical Writing
  • Technology
  • Writing Pedagogy

Selected Publications

Print Journal Articles

I have published scholarly articles in:

  • Computers and Composition
  • English Journal
  • Studies in the Humanities
  • Theory into Practice
  • Works and Days

Online Journal Articles

I published an abstract in the online journal Kairos (Fall, 1998, Vol. 3, Issue 2) with my collaborators, Nicholas Mauriello and Tammy White:

  • “Re-Booting Your Classroom: An Introductory Workshop on Electronic Pedagogy”
  • Pagnuci, G.S., Macauley, W. J., Jr., Winner-White, T., & Mauriello, N. (1998). Teachers, technology, and teamwork: Stories of collaboration. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 1998) 9th International Conference. [On-Line]. Available:
  • White, T., Mauriello, N., & Pagnucci, G. S. (Fall, 1998). Abstract for Re-booting your classroom: An introductory workshop on electronic pedagogy. Kairos [On-line], Vol. 3, Iss. 2. Available
  • Pagnucci, G. S. & Macauley, W. J., Jr. (1997). Connecting business and education through the world wide web. WebNet 97 World Conference of the WWW, Internet, and Intranet. [On-line]. Available:

Book Chapters

I have published book chapters in volumes by:

Creative Writing

I have published short stories and poetry in:

  • The Acorn
  • New Growth Arts Review
  • Heinemann-Boynton/Cook

Technical Writing

I have written technical manuals published by:

  • The Software Resource Publications, Inc.
  • Heinemann-Boynton/Cook