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Doctoral & Master of Arts Thesis Committees

Dissertation Guides

Doctoral Thesis Direction (8)

3 Chapter Stage–Composition and Applied Linguistics (CAL) Doctoral Students (6)

  1. Adams, Amiranda.
  2. Bond, Colleen.
  3. Chan, Ka Lon (Alan).
  4. Graber, Michelle.
  5. Heslop, Jacklyn.
  6. Williams-Monardes, Cat. (Readers: Gloria Park)

Dissertation Stage–Composition and Applied Linguistics (CAL) Doctoral Students (2)

  1. Bhatt, Mohak. (Readers: Tim Hibsman; Dan Weinstein)
  2. Krasova, Alexandra. How translanguaging practices in digital story writing shape plurilingual identities. (Readers: Dana Driscoll; Gloria Park)

Doctoral Thesis Readerships (36)

3 Chapter Stage: Composition and Applied Linguistics (CAL) Doctoral Students (22)

  1. Al Laysy Stouhi, Myssan. Navigating challenges, resources, identities, and vulnerabilities: School teachers in Lebanon as a crisis context. (Director: Gloria Park; Reader: Bedrettin Yazan)
  2. Asadolahi, Shahla. Unveiling Iranians’ voice in English writings of graduate women in the influence of creative approach: An autobiographical narrative inquiry. (Director: David Hanauer; Reader: Gloria Park)
  3. Bayazeed, Raneem. Multimodal composition pedagogy workshops: Saudi EFL teachers adapting new pedagogical ideas (Director: Cristina Sánchez-Martín; Reader: Matt Vetter)
  4. Boswell, Kyle. Crying in the teacher’s lounge: The unseen labor of secondary school writing center directors (Director: Gloria Park; Reader: Daniel Lawson)
  5. Brower, Carleigh. (Director: Dana Driscoll)
  6. Callahan, Laura Wehmer.
  7. Cruz, Reian-Laila. An intervention case study in FYC: Examining students’ relationship with creative translingual writing. (Director: David I. Hanauer; Reader: Gloria Park)
  8. Flicek, Tracy. Student experiences with and perceptions of internationalization in the Composition II curriculum at a small, midwestern university. (Director: Gloria Park; Readers: Michelle Petrucci and Sarah Henderson-Lee)*
  9. Florian, Stephen. The effect of labeling developmental writing students as probationary. (Director: Gloria Park; Readers: Dana Driscoll and Irene Clark)*
  10. Goss, Debbie. Global citizenship writing pedagogies: Daisaku Ikeda/Soka education perspectives. Director: Matt Vetter; Readers: Dana Driscoll and Jason Goulah)*
  11. Greene, Maribel. A Narrative inquiry of rural ESOL teachers’ lived experiences teaching Latino students in South Georgia. (Director: Gloria Park; Readers: Marjorie Josee Zambrano, Scott Alan Beck)*
  12. Hatcher, Donald. Improving learner cognition of corrective feedback through student-centered learning. (Director: Gloria Park; Reader: Dana Driscoll)
  13. Loo, John. An investigation into the affective language and communication practices of linguistically diverse students using a vlogging project. (Director: Curt Porter; Reader Matt Vetter)
  14. Laysy, Myssan. (Director: Gloria Park)
  15. Mehio, Marwa. What language should I use to talk about myself? Desire and identity in Lebanese Sunni Muslim’s use of English and Arabic. (Director: Gloria Park; Readers: Curt Porter, Nathanael Rudolph)*
  16. Miller, Patrica. Leveraging creative identity among professors in the First-year Composition classroom: A qualitative study. (Director: Bryna Siegel Finer: Reader: Robert Wallace)
  17. Parzefall, Lisa. Afghan college women refugees’ resettlement experiences and the impact on their identities. (Director: Gloria Park; Readers: Jason Schneider and Silvia Vaccino Salvadore)
  18. Shcherbakova, Marta. Exploring the impact of teacher dispositions on flexibility and adaptability in language and writing instructional contexts. (Director: Gloria Park; Reader: Sarah Henderson Lee)
  19. Tanasale, Inggrit Olivin. Constructing language lecturers’ academic identity through positioning and agency within professional space in Indonesian higher education. (Director: Gloria Park; Readers: Matt Vetter and Michele Petrucci)*
  20. Villagran, Abigail. Learning in the writing center: A community of practice in México (Director: Cristina Sánchez-Martín; Reader: Dana Driscoll)
  21. Yim, Andrew. The effects of self-sponsored writing on multilingual students’ academic writing development. (Director: Dana Driscoll; Reader: Curt Porter)
  22. Young, RAsheda. The Danger of a Single Story: An Autoethnographic Approach to Examining Teacher and Student Identity as a Black Woman, Black Mother and Black Professor. (Director: Dan Weinstein; Reader: Gloria Park)

Proposal Stage–Literature and Criticism (L&C) Doctoral Students (2)

  1. Irby, James–More than just funny animals? Rise from the sewers: Turtles, rabbits, bears and more: The societal impact of 1980s anthropomorphic comics from independent publishers. (Director: Mike Sell; Reader: Sandra Eckard)
  2. Whitehead, Tyler. “Explainable in Binary”: Data Surveillance and the Digitized Trans Body in Sarah Ciston’s Uncertainty Index.” (Director: Ken Sherwood; Reader: Mike Williamson)

Dissertation Stage–Composition and Applied Linguistics (CAL) Doctoral Students (10)

  1. Al Laysy Stouhi, Myssan Samir. English as an Additional Language (EAL) school teachers in Lebanon as a crisis context: Challenges, resources, Identities, and vulnerabilities. (Director: Gloria Park; Reader: Bedrettin Yazan)
  2. Alshehri, Arwa. Exploring the development of Middle Eastern Women’s translingual digital identity. (Director: Gloria Park; Readers: Matt Vetter)
  3. Black, Willa. Select player character: Language learner identity in digital game-based language learning. (Director: David Hanauer; Reader: Curt Porter)
  4. Curcio, Mark A. LitFit: A motivated literacy program to develop rural self-disciplined male high school readers. (Director: Emily Wender; Reader: Brian Carpenter)
  5. Elfana, Riza. (Re)Envisioning writing centers as multiliteracy centers: The state of multiliteracy in writing center practice. (Director: Dana Driscoll; Reader: Gloria Park)
  6. Farag, Islam Medhat Abdelaziz. Multilingual early-career scholars’ writing for publication processes: A critical introduction. (Director: Dana Driscoll; Reader: Curt Porter)
  7. Ferrell, Jennifer Lynn. (Re)Constructing the self: The writing center as an academic identity space for first-generation college. students (Director: Dana Driscoll; Reader: Gloria Park)
  8. Mostafa, Ahmed.  Exploring the linguistic perception and navigation of adult refugees in Western Pennsylvania. (Director: Curt Porter; Reader: Michele Petrucci)
  9. Nulton, Corinne. Literacy trauma in first-year writers. (Director: Bryna Siegel Finer; Reader: Dana Driscoll)
  10. Sasala, Gary. Comparing metalinguistic error coded indirect written feedback to metalinguistic error coded direct written feedback with a finer table of error codes and written languaging. (Director: Brian Carpenter; Reader: Gloria Park)

Dissertation Stage–Literature and Criticism (L&C) Doctoral Students (2)

  1. Albert-Baird, Eliza. Traversing visual literature and virtual lives: Reader performativity and identity in visual texts. (IUP Literature and Criticism Doctoral Student; Director: Mike Sell; Reader: Ken Sherwood)
  2. Sateriale, Brian. Androgynism: Recognition of the influence of the internal Hieros Gamos – the sacred masculine-feminine union – upon literary critical discourse, literature, and film of the 20th and 21st Centuries. (Director: Chris Orchard; Reader: Lingyan Yang)

Updating Listings

Since I serve as a director or reader for so many doctoral students, the lists above may not be totally accurate. I do try to keep these lists up-to-date, but I’m often behind. So if I’ve left your name off a list or have you at an incorrect stage of the dissertation process, please know it’s just a simple oversight, not an intentional slight. If you spot an error here, please email me and I’ll be happy to update the appropriate list.

Doctoral Alumni

I have served as director for over 60 students and as a reader for over 125 students who successfully completed their dissertations. Click below to see the list:
